Our Commitment to Safety

This facility uses the Synexis Microbial Reduction System – learn more.

Currently, all visits are by appointment only – no walk-ins.

JFY will meet all state, local and regulatory guidelines relating to sanitation and hygiene practices.

We will be practicing social distancing.

Please call the salon prior to entering the building for appointment check-in. A limited number of people will be allowed in the reception area at one time.

Guests must wash/sanitize hands upon entering and must wear a face mask or face covering while in the building or spa.

Guests who appear to be sick (have a fever, dry cough, etc) will be asked to reschedule.

For product-only purchases, please pre-order for scheduled curbside pick up.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! 


The Synexis Microbial Reduction System produces Dry Hydrogen Peroxide from the environment at safe levels to reduce microbes throughout this facility.

  • Is effective against airborne and surface contaminants
  • Operates continuously to reduce viruses, bacteria, and mold
  • Synexis is a natural, green technology
  • Utilizes ambient the air in the environment to achieve microbialreduction
  • Reduces odors

Synexis is a patented technology and is regulated by both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).